Friday, February 8, 2013

Ready for Action

While meeting with my site supervisor in her office this week, we both felt confident in the draft plan and it was approved as written.  However, she gave me free access to add other interesting sub-questions if I see data that is relevant to late-start students.  We also discussed crunching the data at a later time for low students who were recommended for retention but not retained.  This would become a much longer project so it is not included in the scope of this action research since we may not be able to find accurate records for retention recommendations during the last decade.  Since I had already edited the plan to include interviews or surveys, both of us feel confident that the data can be accessed and stakeholders involved can be interviewed or surveyed.  Interviewing all the stakeholders is not necessary to acquire numerous viewpoints on retention for both the parent and student perspective.  My site supervisor had just returned from a meeting concerning the state’s grading system for all schools in Oklahoma so we discussed how retention may affect our state testing score and our report card grade given by the state.

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