Wednesday, February 12, 2014

EDLD5366 Reflection

I was a bit timid to begin this class and worried the technology would quickly become overwhelming, but as I worked through each assignment I gained new knowledge that I could immediately apply to my classroom.  I did not know about the C.R.A.P. design elements, but I began to notice them in all kinds of print.  Sometimes I noticed the lack of the design elements and thought about how I would redo the item to make it more visually appealing using the C.R.A.P. elements.  It was much easier with these guidelines to follow since I am a person who like a sense of organization.  I found the most difficult part of doing the logo was making it represent my personal style to others.  I liked the curves of the fonts and reflection of the inverted “S” which I thought showed I have the ability to be flexible and reflective.  I liked this assignment the best. I have never created an animation, but found it easy to do.  I can use this as a great visual to aid in the development of vocabulary (particularly verbs).  My technology confidence was building as I found using technology was easier than I previously thought.  I will share what I have learned with other colleagues so they can use it in their classrooms.  The early grades will love it!  As discussed in Understanding Multimedia Learning: Integrating Multimedia in the K-12 Classroom (2008) “When information is presented using both channels, the brain can accommodate more new information. By taking advantage of this multimodal processing capability and technology-based tools, we can dramatically enhance student learning through multimedia instruction.”  My technology confidence was building as I found using technology was easier than I previously thought.  I have only made a website and blog once before and that was in another class so I had room to improve.  Improve I did.  I worked with a truly collaborative group of ladies.  We were used to discussing and bouncing ideas off each other in other classes since we have been working together since the first class.  I felt comfort that I would have backup if I reached frustrating points and more responsibility since others were also depending on me.  I wanted our team to perform to exemplary levels.  We went to the creation level of learning in Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (2007).  We used C.R.A.P. during the creation by logo and page layout repetition on each page.  We were stronger as a group than we ever could have been individually.  If educators want students to become more reflective then the educator himself must use reflective practice.  I have applied reflective practice to my own teaching practice.  I reflect as an educator and also have my students reflect upon their daily learning.  I agree with what Gerstein (2011) said about reflection “The only way that educators can teach and promote reflective practice by their students (of all ages) in their own classrooms is to engage in, embrace, and fully understand this process themselves.”
As part of my own reflections, I feel there should be further reflection at the end of learning units.  Students are becoming more reflective in day to day learning, but I need to have them stop longer at the end of units to reflect on the learning as a whole and connect this learning to other areas.  This can be reflection through any creative process that comes from group work at the end of units.  Students need practice in reflection to learn to connect prior knowledge with new knowledge.  Sharing teachers’ reflection should also become a normal practice.  Teachers should get together to discuss classroom experience and how to improve their own performance.  I think this should be a regular roundtable activity during staff meetings. This is a topic I intend to address with our administration.

Churches, A. (2007, April). Bloom's digital taxonomy. Retrieved from

Gerstein, J. (2011, August). Where is reflection in the learning process. Retrieved from

Understanding Multimedia Learning: Integrating Multimedia in the K-12 Classroom. (2008, September). Retrieved from

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Personal Logo

As a contrast element, I used colors that are opposite on the color wheel and place two contrasting borders in opposing colors and shapes.  The blue is my favorite color and orange represents my favorite sports team.  For repetition, I used a script “S” and then inverted it in the design.  Also, all four corners are simple and the same which shows both repetition and alignment.  For alignment, my last name is centered from top to bottom and from left to right and each corner is rounded in blue.  For proximity, I kept my first initial close to the first part of my last name. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reflection on Lisbon Hebrew Bible and C.R.A.P. Elements

My first impression was that the manuscript was beautifully written and illustrated with a form that is as relevant today as it was then.  The Lisbon Bible demonstrates many C.R.A.P. elements of design.  It was interesting to see such scholar’s work from so long ago demonstrate the same elements of design we use today.  I enjoyed the audio notes which explained so of the foreign writing that I did not understand.  For instance, the text is framed in two concentric frames on one of the pages and similar frames are on the page before it.  Also, a centered six-petal flower surrounded by concentric circles is an element of repetition and alignment.  The text is gold and provides written lists which show left alignment and proximity because the information is located similar information.  The frames are a stark contrast to the gold writing.  All four elements are shown.  The authors helped us understand the importance of the documents by the intensive amount of art on the page and the gold writing which took painstaking work to create.