As I reflect over the last week, I have learned that
the opportunities for action research abound.
I found no shortage of possible topics for action research. In fact, sometimes it became difficult to
decide which inquiry to complete first. Inquiry was modeled for me as I
conferenced with my principal. She
probed me with further questions on each topic that I proposed until we
narrowed it down to one inquiry with resonated with her. This question “What is the relationship between students who were part of a
Transitional-First Grade (T1) class or retained in elementary and their success
at the end of middle school or in high school?”
I can see how the answer to this action inquiry may be a jumping off
point for other similar action inquiries.
As I connected the assigned
reading from Dana in Chapter 2 to everyday life in a school, I noticed that
almost any part of a principal’s day can lead to an action research
question. I think administrators can
often collaborate with teachers and other principals to conduct inquiries of
the most important topics. Principals as part leadership groups should conduct
ongoing action research. I also noticed
that teachers already do a tremendous amount of action research in the
curriculum area or for the individual student although it may not be written up
in a formal report.